Tuesday, October 5, 2010

NAM KARMA (Obstruction to personality)

Someone has a fine body. •  Someone has an ugly body.
Someone is strong and healthy. • Someone is weak and thin.
This is due to Nam Karma.

Someone is black. • Someone is white.
Someone is yellow. • Someone is red.
Someone is fat. • Someone is bony.
Someone is tall. • Someone is short.
This is the work of Nam Karma.
When someone speaks in a sweet voice, we like it.
When someone speaks in a rough voice, we do not like it.

When someone comes to our house, we feel happy. When someone comes to our house,
we get annoyed. And this fun comes from Nam Karma.

Sometimes one gets a good status, respect and fame in society
But Sometimes one meets with ill-fame, dis-respect and insult in society
Sometimes one earns only abuses, • Sometimes one gets a fortune.
Sometimes one is chased by misfortune, wherever he goes.

Beauty and complexion. • Strength and Shape • Form and structure
All this is the work of Nam Karma.

Courtesy : Jainism for Jainvikas