Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Darshanavarana Karma (an obstruction to our seeing)

 This Karma
Diminishes the power of the eyes to see objects.
Diminishes the power of the ears to hear sounds.
Diminishes the power of the nose to smell fragrance.
Diminishes the power of the tongue to taste eatables.
Diminishes the power of the skin to feel the touch of objects.
You are not able to see the other side of the wall.
You are not able to see the other side of the hill.
You are not able to see beyond the clouds.
You are not able lo see anything beyond the world.
For all these Darshanavarana Karma is responsible.

On account of this Karma Men sleep
Some sleep lying down. Some sleep sitting.
Some sleep even standing.
While in deep sleep,
Some one walks.
Some one eats with relish.
Some one suffocates another. Some one even kills another.
But when he wakes up. he is completely ignorant of what he did.
Such strange things are due to
Darshanavarana Karma.

Courtesy : Jainism for Jainvikas